Tuesday, May 21, 2013

100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections

Nice way no improve your Eglish skills! Getting to know them will broaden your listening and speaking abilities.


Learning English with Mini Stories - Children's Story

Let's have fun with this one!

Learning the English Language with Mini Stories

A nice way to improve your English. Today's story is The Train Ride.

Phrasal Verb of the day

give up
a. To surrender: The suspects gave themselves up.
b. To devote (oneself) completely: gave herself up to her work.
a. To cease to do or perform: gave up their search.
b. To desist from; stop: gave up smoking.
3. To part with; relinquish: gave up the apartment; gave up all hope.
a. To lose hope for: We had given the dog up as lost.
b. To lose hope of seeing: We'd given you up an hour ago.
5. To admit defeat.
6. To abandon what one is doing or planning to do: gave up on writing the novel.